ICT integration in Primary and Secondary Education in Andalusia, Spain: Curricular and Organizational Implications

Ramón Tirado Morueta, Manuel Fandos Igado, J. Ignacio Aguaded Gómez


O trabalho que se apresenta integra o projecto “Observatics: the implementation of free software in ICT centres in Andalusia: na analysis of its effect on the teaching-learning process” e tem como objectivo descrever o mais recente impacto das tecnologias de comunicação online na educação no contextos dos centros TIC da Andaluzia (Espanha), decorrentes do investimento em grande escala de tecnologias para a educação primária e secundária. Combinando métodos quantitativos e qualitativos, o estudo aponta no sentido de que a presença das TIC nos centros educacionais a frequência de uso dos computadores aumentou juntamente com uma expansão da formação dos professores no sentido da promoção de modelos de aprendizagem contextualizada. A .
investigação dos factores mais relevantes por detrás do sucesso do processo de instalação de computadores em grande escala, são apresentadas um conjunto de recomendações no sentido de maximizar o potencial destes recursos tecnológicos
Palavras-chave: Formação de professores, TIC, Educação Primária, Educação Secundária.
ABSTRACT:This work, part of the Spanish government’s National I + D Plan 2004/07, entitled “Observatics: the implementation of free software in ICT centres in Andalusia: an analysis of its effect on the teaching-learning process”, aims to describe the most recent impact of online communication technologies on education in Andalusia (Spain), within a new environment, as are the new ICT schools, characterized by the large-scale implementation of technology in primary and secondary education. By combined qualitative and quantitative methods, the study shows that, due to the presence of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in educational centres, the frequency of computer use in the classroom has increased, along with an expansion of a teacher training process that is progressively oriented towards contextualized models of learning. After investigating the most important factors behind the success of the mass computer installation programmes at the centres, a series of recommendations at centre and governmental level are presented that will ensure the maximizing of the potential of these technological resources.
Keywords:ICT institutions, training of teaching staff, primary education, secondary education.
Para citar este texto:
Tirado, R., Fandos, M., & Aguaded, J. I. (2010). ICT integration in Primary and Secondary Education in Andalusia, Spain: Curricular and Organizational Implications. Educação, Formação & Tecnologias, 3(2), 18-44. [Online], disponível a partir de http://eft.educom.pt.

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Educação, Formação & Tecnologias - ISSN 1646-933X
Educom - APTE